Shabbat Midrash (Teaching) Outlines


October 28, 2005


Parashah 1: B'resheet (Genesis) 1:1-6:8

In the Beginning

Genesis 1:1-5, 6:5-8, 4:19-24,26

The Four Rivers

1) The Pishon – increase

2) The Gihon – bursting forth

3) The Tigris – rapid

4) The Euphrates – fruitfulness

October 21, 2005


Disturbing The Peace

Scripture Reference: II Chronicles 18-20

1) Choose your friends and allies carefully. Making the wrong choice can bring the wrath of Yah (G-d) upon you.

2) Jehoshaphat did not have to be perfect to be used of G-d; his heart was right, and Yah looks at the heart. If we wait until we are perfected to be used, we will never be of service to Yah (G-d).

1) He reacted in fear- it was an honest reaction given the circumstances and it was an admission of his weakness

2) He turned his attention to seek the help of Yah (G-d) - His fear did not keep him from acknowledging the One who could help him to overcome his fear

3) He proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah - he understood the principle of bringing the people together in unity and power for a common purpose

1) Admit your weakness

2) Look to Yah (G-d) for your answer

3) Listen for a word from Yah

4) Praise Him until and after you see the victory

October 14, 2005


Restoring The Sacred Name

The Significance of Names

Hiding The Sacred Name

Hebrew Grammar

What About Je-Zeus?

October 07, 2005



Feast of Tabernacles


Building a Sukkah

*** Our American Pilgrims who originated the Thanksgiving holiday borrowed the idea from Sukkot. When they were tying to find a way to express their thanks for their survival and for the harvest, they looked to the Bible for an appropriate way of celegrating and found Sukkot. They don't teach this in the public schools! ***

The Four Species

1) Etrog (citron) lime, lemon - resembles in its shape the heart - the driving force behind all our actions

2) Lulav (palm branch) - resembles the spine which holds the body together and, without which, we would be unable to move

3) The Hadasim (myrtle branches) - resemble, in their almond shape, the eyes with which we behold G-d's world

4) The Aavot (willow branches) - resemble the lips with which we give expression to our thoughts and feelings

*** By holding these four together, we show that a person should devote all of his/her strengths and capacities to the service of Hashem ***

*** Holding these four in a tight bond represents the unity that is Hashem's goal for the Jewish people. The bond represents the conversion of a set of separate individuals into a PEOPLE, which is far greater than any individual. ***

Symbolism in Sukkot

Numerology In Sukkot

1) Seven days

2) 70 Bullocks - representing the 70 nations formed after the flood

3) 14 Rams

4) 98 Lambs - all these are divisible by 7

5) 182 total animals (26 x 7)

6) Add 336 tenths ephahs of flour for meal offering (48 x 7)

* The number 7, symbolizing completion, is imprinted on this, the seventh feast during the seventh month *

The Water Ceremony

The Seven Guests

1) Avraham (Abraham) - Bereshit (Genesis) 12:1 - "Go forth"

2) Yitzchak (Isaac) - Bereshit (Genesis) 26:1 - "Went to Avimelech"

3) Yaakov (Jacob) - Bereshit (Genesis) 28:2 - "Arise and go to Aram"

4) Yosef (Joseph) - Sold as a slave to Egypt

5-6) Moshe and Aharon (Moses and Aaron) - Led the Jewish people during sojourn in the desert

7) David - Fled from his enemies into the desert of Judea

Final Caution

"When you later have prosperity, be careful that you not say to yourself, it was my own strength and personal power that brought me all this. You must remember that it is Adonai you G-d who gives you the power to become prosperous."



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