The Significance of Names
- In Jewish thought a name is not merely an arbitrary designation or random combination of sounds
- A name conveys the nature and essence of the thing or person named
- A name represents the history and reputation of the thing or person named
- In English, we refer to a person's reputation as his "good name"
- Exodus 3:13-15
- Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh (YHVH) comes from the Hebrew root Heh-Yod-Heh, meaning G-d's existence is eternal
- Frequently shortened to Yah or Yahu when used in conjunction with Biblical names
- Hallelujah - Hallelu means "to be praised" Yah is the short form of Yahweh
Hiding The Sacred Name
- 4 vowels on the turban of the High Priest (YHVH)
- Religious leaders pronounced the 4 vowels as consonants (Jehovah). There is no "J" in Hebrew
- Add vowel pointings to YHVH and you get Adonai
- Deliberate mispelling to protect the Sacred Name from defilement by the heathen
- The Name of G-d is used 7000 times in Hebrew scripture, but takes on an indistinct meaning when translated as "LORD" - a title given to a British landowner
- Exodus 20:7 - Do not take the name of G-d in vain - shav in Hebrew (meaning empty, void, worthless)
- By not referring to G-d by His Name, we in fact have made His Name empty, void, worthless and impersonal
- Religious leaders added a commandment that forebade the common people from calling on the name of Yahweh. They violated Torah by adding to it as instructed in Deut 12:32
- Jer 12:16-17 - G-d warns the priests and the Levites what will happen if they fail to teach the people His Name - they will be exiled and taken into captivity
- Hiding of G-d's name was a tradition that was responsible for the destruction of the Temple by the Romans in 70 CE
Hebrew Grammar
- Hoveh - "to be" - Yahweh means "Yah Hoveh" - Yah is
- In modern Hebrew grammar the verb "to be" (I am) is not used in the present tense at all
- Israelis will say "I teacher" or "I clever" because using Hoveh would imply that one is the Almightly
- The use of "I" and "I am" in the vocabulary of a proud and arrogant individual is a common practice
- The indwelling of the Ruach-Ha-Kodesh (Holy Spirit) in the heart and soul of the believer changes the selfish, haughty attitude to an attitude of genuine humility
What About Je-Zeus?
- After the first few centuries after Messiah, His Name (Y'shuah) was gradually changed to "Je-Zeus Kristos" by the pagan masses who converted and joined Messianic Jewish believers
- The name of their pagan idol "Zeus" was applied to their new found Jewish Messiah and Y'shuah became Y'Zeus or Je-Zeus which later became Jesus in English
- Zeus was a Greek mythological god who ursurped the throne of his father to gain control of all immortals (gods). Zeus was said to live on the mountain tops and in the clouds so as to be able to survey all creation. Zeus is the main character in Homer's Iliad and Odyssey.
- Due to influential leaders like Constantine the Great, who was a worshipper of Zeus, an infiltration of the followers of Zeus into the Christian ranks resulted.