Shabbat Midrash (Teaching) Outlines


November 18, 2005


Parashah 4: Vayera (He Appeared)

B'resheet (Genesis) 18:1-22:24

Three “Guests”
1) Malach Raphael, the healer, has been sent to take away Avraham’s pain. As soon as he drew near to Avraham, the pain from his circumcision was a mere memory.

2) Malach Michoel’s mission was to deliver the news to Avraham that he has waited to hear most of his life; next year, at this time, Sarai will give birth to a son. Avraham received the news with solemn faith. (When Yah sends a messenger to do his will, the messenger literally manifests HIS presence. In John 8:39, 40, the scripture tells us that Avraham received the messengers and showed them respect and received their word from G-D.)

Sarai, on the other hand, couldn’t help but give a little chuckle when she overhears the announcement. Her response is based strictly in the natural. After all, she is 90 years old, well past child bearing age. Yahweh is displeased because Sarai should have based her reaction in the spiritual; realizing that the G-d of all creation was certainly capable of making good on His promise. Contrast Sarai’s reaction to the Shunammite woman in 2 Kings 4:16 when Elisha foretells the birth of her son, only to have him die in her lap a few years later. The Shunammite woman responded by going immediately to Elisha because she reasoned that if Yahweh defied His rules of nature to bless her with a son, He could likewise defy them and return her son to life by way of another miracle. When her sudden tragedy occurred, she saw in it the perfect opportunity to put her faith into practice. We should learn from this story that we should not have to wait for a tragedy in our lives to practice our faith in our daily lives.

3) Malach Gavriel’s mission was to destroy the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, but not before Malach Raphael rescues Lot and his family from certain death.

Yitzchak and Yisma’el

( Just a reminder: Israel became a nation in 1948. Avraham was born 1,948 years from the Day of Creation. Yitzchak , the Son of Promise, was born 2,048 years from the Day of Creation).

Servant vs. Son

Foreshadowing the Father

Now let’s look at the interaction between Avraham and Yitzchak to see how they foreshadow Yeshua’s death and resurrection.

Foreshadowing the Son of Promise

This foreshadowed the death and resurrection of Yeshua.

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