Shabbat Midrash (Teaching) Outlines


September 30, 2005


Yom Kippur

The Day of Atonement

Historical Background

Traditional Jewish Observance

Yom Kippur in The Renewed Covenant

Prophetic Fulfillment

For more on "Yom Kippur" click here

September 23, 2005


Rosh Hashanah - Yom Teruah
(Feast of Trumpets)

The Day of The Blowing of The Trumpets (Shofars)


The Shofar

1) Tekiah - 1 long simple note, like an alarm

2) Shevarim - 3 medium blasts

3) Teruah - at least 9 short blasts

4) Tekiah Gedolah - a single blast that lasts until the blower runs out of breath


From Beginning to End

Our Response

"Come to me, all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for you souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."
For more on "Rosh Hashanah" click here

September 16, 2005


Parashah 48: Shof'tim (Judges)

Righteous Judgement (According to Torah)

*** Justice is fundamental to the maintenance of a Godly society. We have seen the effects of a perverted justice system all too often, and where justice is perverted, respect for God also does not exist. Corruption, bribery and all the things that make for un unjust society are all present in a judiciary or government that does not respect, honor and fear God. Sadly, this all too evident even in our courts and governments in America. ***

Mitzvot Concerning Worship (Deut 16:21,22-17:1)

Dealing with Idolator (Deut 17:2-7)

Safety in a Multitude of Counselors

Guidelines and Requirements for a King

*** The whole nation was considered guilty for the faulty courts and corrupt judges who were allowed to continue practicing law. ***

New Covenant Reference (I Cor 6:1)

September 09, 2005


The "Land for Peace" Lie - Part III

Possession and Dispersion

Assyrian Dispersion

Babylonian Dispersion

Roman Dispersion


20th Century - First Waves of Jewish Immigrants

WWI (1914-1918)

Balfour Declaration


Arab Nationalism - Anti-Semitism

First 20th Century "Land for Peace" Deal - 1922

WWII (1939-1945)

Second "Land for Peace" Deal (1947)

War of Independence (1948)

*** How long will God tolerate this mockery of His decree with His chosen people? ***

September 02, 2005


The "Land for Peace" Lie - Part II

Some Interesting Facts

"For it is not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit says Adonai."

The Story of Jephthah

  • The time is 1143 BC
  • The place is the east side of the Jordan River
  • The people are the tribe of Gilead
  • The problem is that Gilead had forsaken Adonai and had gone whoring after the 'gods' of the surrounding nations
  • The consequences of their idolatry was 18 years of constant harassment and oppression by the people of Ammon - namely the Ammonites - just one of the many "ites" that were occupying the land around the tribe of Gilead


  • From the tribe of Gilead
  • Dwelled in the land of Tob (Syria)
  • Ostracized for being the son of a harlot
  • When Ammonites threatened war against the Gileadites, the elders of the tribe sought out Jephthah to lead their army for he was "a mighty man of valor"
  • I Kings 11:28 - Jeroboam was "a mighty man of valor"
  • Judges 6:12 - Gideon was called "a mighty man of valor"
  • Jephthah agreed to accept the position of commander of the army and he brought with him a group of men similar to those assembled by Gideon
  • Jephthah fulfilled an act of Divine providence

The Dispute

  • The dispute arose out of a joint claim to the land occupied by the Gileadites - the Ammonites also claimed this land
  • Judges 11:12 - Jephthah's claim to the land
  • Judges 11:13 - The king of Ammon's response
  • The king of Ammon insisted that Israel exchange the disputed land in their possession for peace - sound familiar?
  • He initiated an ancient "Land for Peace" proposal
  • The accusation made by the king of Ammon implied immoral behavior by the Israelites in their acquisition of the disputed land
  • Judges 11:15-22 - Jephthah's rebuttal
  • The historical overview by Jephthah revealed the series of events that lead up to Israel's possession of the disputed land
  • Sihon, the Ammorite king, rejected the negotiations for a peaceful passage of the Israelites through his land
  • He chose to engage them in battle (bad mistake!)
  • Sihon's defeat left the Israelites with the spoils of war - possession of the Ammonite land!

Jephthah's Declaration

  • Judges 11:23,24
  • Jephthah justified the Israelites' possession of the land as an act of God
  • He introduced the concept of spiritual warfare in regard to dominion of lands - which is the key to understanding the present dilemma in the Middle East

The Principality Chemosh

  • Usually associated with the Moabites
  • Means "to subdue" in Hebrew
  • Whatever land the king of Ammon conquered, he would dedicate to Chemosh
  • Chemosh personified a spiritual principality who sought to subdue the land claimed by the Israelites

God's Judgement

  • Jephthah made a bold statement concerning God's judgement
  • The children of Israel had not sinned by possessing the disputed land, but the king of Ammon was guilty of injustice for leading his people against Israel - sound familiar?

Judges 11:27

  • The king of Ammon rejected Jephthah's diplomacy, he imitated his predecessor, Sihon

Judges 11:28, 32, 33

  • The manifestation of God's judgement gave the children of Israel possession of the "disputed land"
  • Likewise, 20th century wars initiated by Arab aggression against Israel have yielded the same result - the Israelis possessing the "liberated lands" of the defeated Arabs


  • Jephthah's presentation of historical data proved the Israelites innocent of any moral injustice
  • The illustration proved that God rejected the "Land for Peace" proposal
  • God did not lead Jephthah to "compromise" even though the consequence was war


  • Unlike their ancient predecessor, some modern day Israeli leaders are blinded to the danger in "compromise". They are going against the very title deed given to the Jewish people by God himself.

*** The rest of the story. . .Jephthah's vow to the Lord ***


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